Roam The World For Less

Never worry about data again with low-cost, no-hassle data plans from

Choose your data bundle

Affordable, hassle free data, wherever you roam

Why choose ?

Complete with multiple network coverage for many countries, you'll always stay connected


Countries available with our bundles


Mobile Networks worldwide


Support whenever you need us

Roam to your heart's content in over 150 countries, in just 4 easy steps

Download the app

Select your destination

Choose your bundle

You're good to go

Frequently Asked Questions

An eSIM is the modern version of a normal plastic SIM card that you’ll find in your phone. Your SIM card is like a personal identifier for your device - it allows you to connect to a mobile network, and gives you access to a phone number that you can use to contact people.

What we provide is a more updated version of that. It’s an environmentally friendly way to stay connected, because you don’t have to purchase any new items or waste plastic. All you need to do is download the app, sign up with us, select the data bundle that you need and activate it.

If you have a new phone from one of the big providers, like Google, Apple or Samsung, then you’ll have no problems accessing our services.

Any device from either the Samsung Fold S21, Google Pixel 3 or Apple iPhone 11 onwards all support eSIM usage. If you’re not sure, check the specifications for your device to find out if it’s compatible.

If you don’t have a mobile device which is compatible with our services, you can still download the app and take a look at what options are available, so if you want to make the upgrade to a new device before you go away, it’s easy to know what you can get access to once you arrive at your destination.

It’s easy to activate your new data plan - check the specific instructions for your device.

Apple iOS users:

  1. Open the Settings app and go to the section labelled “Mobile Data”. Find your “Data Plans” and pick the data option.
  2. Turn it on via the menu, and make sure that data roaming is enabled. You’ll see that it is when the data roaming button has been turned green, signalling it is on.
  3. Go back to your mobile data settings through the menu.
  4. Now, choose “Mobile Data” again to pick the SIM card you want to use for data, and choose the data service.
  5. We recommend that you disable the auto toggle back to your original SIM to make sure that you don’t accidentally pick up any unwanted charges on your data plan.
  6. Make sure that you only activate the service once you have arrived at your destination to make sure that it works properly. The best thing that you can do is turn off any mobile roaming services before you start travelling to your destination to prevent unwanted charges.

Android Users:

  1. Go to your Settings app. Look for the menu titled “connections” and then “SIM card manager”.
  2. Look for the “preferred SIM card section and select “mobile data”. Choose as your preferred choice.
  3. Make sure that your eSIM processes are switched on so that they can be chosen as the preferred option.
  4. As is the case with other phones, turn off your auto switch back to your default SIM to prevent unwanted data usages.
  5. Go back into the connections area of the phone and toggle data roaming to be on via the mobile networks section.

Once you have activated the service, you will have your data automatically start working, as all of our bundles are designed to work instantly once they have been turned on.

We’ve tried to make using our services as flexible as possible, so you can purchase data bundles for seven days or 30 days of use. If you plan to stay anywhere for longer than 30 days, you can simply purchase another bundle once the original bundle ends.

To try and give you the best possible results, we have created an introductory bundle, which offers you a great value for money, and it is designed to show you the full power of what our service can do. However, you cannot use this more than once, and once it has expired, you will need to purchase a normal data bundle.

We strive to deliver the fastest possible data connection service, regardless of where you are in the world, which is why we have created minimum download speeds that you can expect to see. These are listed below:


Max - 21Mbit/s
Average - 4 Mbit/s


Max - 300 Mbit/s
Average – 30 Mbit/s


Max - 300 Mbit/s
Average – 30 Mbit/s

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Explore new destinations, find new adventures and learn all you need to know about travel eSIMs

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Great support

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Great support

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Great support

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Great support

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Great support

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Always recommending it to friends and family.

flag of Bulgaria

Great support

Quick replies and very accommodating to assist_ Happy to be an user

Always recommending it to friends and family.

flag of Bulgaria

Great support

Quick replies and very accommodating to assist_ Happy to be an user

Always recommending it to friends and family.